Flipped learning is a learning approach that helps teachers to create an interactive and active learning environment by assigning students lecture materials and presentations to be viewed at home or outside of class. In contrast to traditional educational methodology, teachers are not the leader of a lesson, the focus of attention, and the primary disseminator of information during the class period, students are at the centre and actively engage concepts with a teacher's guidance in the flipped classrooms. As a result, they can improve higher-order thinking skills such as analysing, evaluating, and creating.

This course will cover the theory, history, advantages and disadvantages and best practices in EU of flipped learning, designing, planning, delivering, and assessing a flipped lesson.

The participants will develop lesson plan, content, and tools for their flipped classrooms, knowledge on how to increase higher-order thinking skills of students through formal education and how to use digital tools in in flipped learning.

  • To read course brochure, please click here.